Making mental health care accessible is a critically important mental health initiative… looks like it’s been affordable in Oregon:
Study: Mental Health Parity Laws May Not Lead To Higher Costs.
The Portland (OR) Tribune (9/23, Korn) reports that four years ago, “Oregon instituted one of the country’s most ironclad mental health parity laws,” and new data reveal “that, despite the concerns of insurers, the increased mental health and addiction coverage has resulted in very little increased cost.” The research, “published in the September issue of the American Journal of Psychiatry, compared more than 100,000 Oregonians between 2005 and 2008 whose insurance companies were subject to the new parity laws with almost 20,000 who were in self-insured plans, which are not subject to the laws.” The authors “found virtually no difference in the health care usage between those who were granted greater coverage versus those who were not covered by the parity law.”